Lesson 1 - Sustainable Vs. Non-Sustainable Food

View the Meatrix DVD and complete the Meatrix interactive then create a PowerPoint presentation for Neil Perry's staff on sustainable food.

Resources: The Meatrix Interactive 360
                  The Meatrix DVD 

Produce a PowerPoint presentation for Rockpool Bar & Grill Restaurant staff focusing on the benefits of sustainable food and potential risks of non-sustainable foods to animals, farm workers, economy, consumers and the environment. 

The following are requirements for the presentation:

Create a Powerpoint presentation (1000 words) with the restaurant staff as the target audience.
    Include the following:
  • A section with commonly used vocabulary and the definition of terms relating to sustainable food.
  • Use Wordle to create a “word cloud” and include your vocabulary from above.  You may create one or two word clouds to include in the presentation (www.wordle.net).
  • An introduction, summary and reference section.
  • A collection of ten facts and/or opinions and at least 3 statistics relating to sustainable food. 
  • Include two graphical representations of data (pie chart, bar graph or other).
  • A list of useful resources that the staff may use to conduct further investigation (This may included a YouTube video, a website, an article, a podcast).
  • At least two statistics/percentages about people in society and sustainable food.  For example: How many people eat/purchase sustainable food on a regular basis?
  • How many people would not buy sustainable food due to cost?  The main reason people don’t consume sustainable food given by people is x, and this represents x percent of the population…etc
  • Add the presentation to your e-portfolio.

Sustainable Food Word Cloud

http://www.wordle.net:  This is an example of a word cloud using "Sustainable Food" vocabulary.  Create your own unique word cloud to use in your PowerPoint presentation. 

Neil Perry would like to obtain information about the Perth market and sustainable food.  Create an online survey for families and friends regarding their consumption and thoughts about non-sustainable vs sustainable foods.  You can use the poll questions below or preferably generate the questions as a group. 

Each group should poll 20-25 other people and tally results and present the findings graphically using your choice of software.  Add this graph to your e-portfolio.    Record your reflections on the findings to the class blog under the Sustainable vs. Non-sustainable category. Add any helpful information/suggestions based on your interpretation of the results that can be used by the restaurant.    

Sample Questions for poll:

1.  Do you know what a sustainable food is?
2.  Have you consumed any sustainable foods in the past week? If so, how many (times)? 
3.  Which of the following describes your typical weekly consumption of the following food categories: sustainable meat, non-sustainable meat, sustainable diary, non-sustainable diary, sustainable fruit and vegetables, non-sustainable fruit and vegetables.
How often: once, more than once, not at all. 
4.  Do you think the government should require foods to be labelled to show their source? 
5.  Would you be interested in dining in a sustainable food restaurant?  

There is a sample survey under the students->survey page that you may complete to get an idea of what a survey looks like.  We can discuss the results as a class once everyone has submitted the survey. This information will inform us about how much of a footprint we are leaving on this earth with respect to food.  Below is some useful information about how our food choices impact the earth. Have a read!

How Your Food Choices Makes an Impact

My diet and my footprint
Reducing meat, seafood and dairy consumption is more environmentally friendly as these foods require higher energy and land usage than plant foods. 

Food miles, packaging, and where I shop

The more processing and packaging of foods, the greater your food footprint.  Forests are required to produce some types of packaging and if these and other packaging are not recycled then they end up in landfill.   Purchasing local foods from farmers markets and other locally owned sources reduces the need to transport food from afar.  Refrigerated transportation consumes more energy than obtaining foods locally.   

The importance of community gardens and local food
Shopping from small scale local food producers or family farms keeps the environmental impact in check, as opposed to the shopping associated with industrial agriculture, that has a huge impact on the environment.

sustainable food

2010   Kristine Kordic   Some rights reserved